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Creating SmartForms Users


This guide helps ERP Administrators manage SmartForms users at Daniel's Jewelers by:

  • Setting up new users
  • Managing security groups
  • Configuring access rights
  • Handling user deactivation and deletion

The proper configuration of user access supports data flow visibility across departments and enables real-time insights for executive staff.

Accessing Security Manager

1. Login to SmartForms

Enter your login credentials at the SmartForms login screen.

SmartForms Login Screen

2. Navigate to Security Manager

  1. From the Business Process home page:

Business Process Home

  1. Click "Tools" and select "Security Manager"

Security Manager Navigation

  1. You'll see the Security Manager home page:

Security Manager Home

Creating New Users

Method 1: Duplicating Existing Users

Best Practice

Use this method for employees who need the same security groups and user rights as an existing user.

  1. Select an existing user and click the "X2" button:

Duplicate User Button

  1. Update the employee ID:
    • Remove the old employee ID
    • Enter the new user's employee ID number

Update Employee ID

Setting Up User Details

1. Username Creation

Enter the employee ID as the username (e.g., "C415")

Create Username

2. Password Setup

Create and confirm the password

Password Setup

3. Full Name

Enter the employee's first and last name

Enter Full Name

4. Password Expiration

Choose one of two options:

  1. Set a 90-day expiration (recommended):

Password Expiration

  1. Leave blank for no expiration

5. DB Username Configuration

  1. Click the DB username column
  2. Add "S" prefix to the username (Example: SC415)

DB Username Prefix DB Username Example

Managing User Rights

Adding Rights

To grant additional security groups and workflow access:

  1. Click the "plus" icon
  2. Select desired security groups

Add User Rights

Removing Rights

  1. Select the rights group to remove
  2. Click the "-" icon
  3. Confirm removal

Remove Rights Step 1 Remove Rights Step 2

User Management

Deleting Users

  1. Highlight the username
  2. Click the "-" icon
  3. Confirm deletion
  4. Save changes using the top-right checkmark

Delete User Steps Delete Confirmation Save Changes


To reassign the license to another user, contact MD customer support team.

Deactivating Users

To temporarily disable access:

  1. Add an expiration date to the user
  2. Save changes

Deactivate User


License reassignment requires MD customer support assistance.