DHC Testing Information
Payment Term Updates
Alternative Payment Terms
- System now adds 2 additional DHC term entries before the recommended one
- Configuration set to go back 3 months minimum
- Minimum payment amount: $29
Term Selection Behavior
- First-time alternative payment term selection defaults to recommended term minus 2 months
- ✅ Functionality verified as working per requirements
Approval Number Verification
Updated Verification Sequence
- Incorporates API payload provided approval numbers
- Handles expiration date and status
- Implements new override specification
- Includes special digit verification
- Processes security checks when approval numbers not provided by payload
Testing Results
- ❌ Digited numbers starting with 9 (override value) are being blocked
- ✅ Approval numbers from JSON packet working as expected
Interface Updates
Account Information Display
- Review against documentation required
- Check for typos and spelling consistency
Payment Screen
- Compare against specifications
- Verify formatting and spelling
ARM Support Features
OTB Tolerance Implementation
- Support for ARM_CSA_OTB tolerance (overage) formula
- Used for determining approval requirements
Token Support
New tokens implemented for DC6 receipts with DHC payments:
DC6 transmessage updated and PR initiated
UI Modifications
Dialog Updates
- Modified header message in Alternate Payment Term selection
- Removed 'Approx number of payments' column
- Terms under DHC_MIN_NEW_MTH_PAY parameter hidden from selector
Configuration Updates
- Configurator updated to $29.00
- PR initiated
Test Case Database
when dbt_clnt_acnt1 in ('01700442','01690874','01700269')
then '4280593'
when dbt_clnt_acnt1 in ('01700582','01700814','01700699')
then '4281128'
else '1234567'
end as arm_lst_apprv_no
when dbt_clnt_acnt1 in ('01700442','01690874','01700269')
then '20240601'
when dbt_clnt_acnt1 in ('01700582','01700814','01700699')
then '20240401'
else '1234567'
end as arm_lst_apprv_exp_date
when dbt_clnt_acnt1 in ('01700442','01690874')
then '1'
else '0'
end as arm_lst_apprv_stat