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Accounts Payable Training Session

Check formatting, should not exceed the attachement for the check that need to be printed byeond the amount People to include in the conversation include Michael, Lee, Breann Prepare a show and tell for Next wednesday Feb 11

Focused on data entry checks that are already written as examples pulled from image quest checks are that already written


  • STMTHST records
  • Post-mortem on Ap training = UPL no tjoining form the list for at 8
  • Insurance udapte conversation, with carl
  • Preperation for tuesdauy cal

AP Formatting

  • Revise, Change configured statement appraisl specs

TBD for Michael and lee Do a big mass entry of invoices

need to put together a training session that includes the walkthrough documents for the following

  • post invoice (with new record)
  • Invocie number is nulled and this will require entry
  • Speed entry topics
  • Invoice show and tell (lee michael, breamnm, need to reserve the conference room

Updated: [2025-02-06 Thu]

CNAME host(multidev)