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Extended Attributes

June 5, 2023 General:

  • Extended attributes values (EAVs) are assigned at the product level.
  • For example, an EAV for Style could be added to a product with the value of Solitaire.
  • A single product can have an unlimited number of EAVs.
  • Depending on the configuration of each extended attribute, the extended attribute value can:
    • Have a value that is simply entered as text or a number.
    • Have a value that is selected from a list of allowed values for the EAVs. e.g., only a list of pre-agreed values can be selected from, versus free form text.
    • Have a value that is “bound” by high or low values, e.g., a numeric value that is more than 1, but less than 7.
    • Have more than one value assigned to them, e.g., a product could have an Extended Attribute of Metal Color and multiple values assigned such as White, Yellow and Pink for something that is traditionally called “Tri-Color”.
  • There are different methods to create Extended Attributes and grouping them into Extended Attribute Templates and Extended Attribute Groups.
  • Regardless, when an Extended Attribute is assigned to a product, the extended attribute and its value or value(s) are associated at the product level, regardless of source or how it was built. Extended Attribute Templates:
  • An Extended Attribute Template is a collection of extended attributes.
  • For example, there is an Extended Attribute Template for each sub-class. In this way, extended attributes that are appropriate for the sub-class of Solitaire Ring can be put into one Extended Attribute Template where attributes that are appropriate for the sub-class of Gold Chain can be put into another Extended Attribute Template.
  • Extended attributes are NOT exclusive to a single Extended Attribute Template, i.e., the same extended attribute, say Style, can be included in multiple Extended Attribute Templates.
  • Extended attributes in an Extended Attribute Templates can have a default value.
  • The default value for an extended attribute in an Extended Attribute Template can be different for the same extended attribute in different Extended Attribute Templates.
  • For example, the extended attribute Style may have default value of Ring for the Extended Attribute Template for sub-class 1010 Diamond Solitaire and a default value of Necklace for the Extended Attribute Template for sub-class 4161 Gold Necklace.
  • A default Extended Attribute Template can be assigned at the sub-class level and then overwritten (or removed) at the product level.
  • Extended attributes added to a product from an Extended Attribute Template that do not have a default value will be added to the product, but no value will be attached/set for the extended attribute.
  • Extended attributes can be added manually to a product without specifying a value for the extended attribute, e.g., as a placeholder until the value can be determined.
  • When new merchandise is added through the vendor catalog with an Extended Attribute Template specified, product will be added and all attributes in the Extended Attribute Template defined at the product, if specified, or sub-class level, if specified and not otherwise specified at the product level, with default values defined at the Extended Attribute Template level, if any.
  • When new merchandise is added manually through the Inventory Master usage, all extended attributes in the default Extended Attribute Template are added via the action menu in the Attributes sub-usage – Generate attributes.
  • An Extended Attribute Template can be created to collect specific extended attributes, but the Extended Attribute Template may not be directly associated to a product or a product sub-class.
  • The Extended Attribute Template for web publishing considerations is one example. Extended attributes that are web publishing Extended Attribute Template can be manually at the product level and then the values are checked as part of the web publishing process. Extended Attribute Groups:
  • Extended Attribute Groups are used as an additional method of collecting and referring to a list of extended attributes.
  • Unlike Extended Attribute Templates, Extended Attribute Groups:
    • Do not have default values.
    • Are not referenced or tied together at the sub-class or product level.
  • However, Extended Attribute Groups can be used to easily add extended attributes to a product without referencing or overwriting or being limited by a sub-class or product specified Extended Attribute Template.
  • For example, an Extended Attribute Group could exist for Sales Analysis
    • The Extended Attribute Group for Sales Analysis contains four different extended attributes with values for each.
      • Memo Group, e.g., Product Memo, WOW Memo
      • Memo Vintage - annual buckets used to group when memos were brought on board, e.g., 01-01-2020 or 01-01-2021.
      • Sales Analysis Group – Show Merchandise, Clearance, Sales Classifications, Memo Goods, YWBA, Analysis
      • Sales Analysis Type – Core Item, Closeout, etc.
    • The four extended attributes in the Extended Attribute Group Sale Analysis do not need to be added to all products, otherwise they could be included in an Extended Attribute Template.
    • It is very unlikely that a default value could be defined for the extended attribute at the sub-class or product level.
  • The attributes of an Extended Attribute Group are added to product through an action menu item in Inventory Master – Edit Attributes Lang 1.
  • Using this action menu item, it is easy to select extended attributes from multiple Extended Attribute Groups by selecting multiple/different Extended Attribute Groups and the selecting the extended attributes from the selected Extended Attribute Group.