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SF Product Creation Guide

This guide walks you through the process of creating a new product in the SF system.


  • Access to the Product Management business process
  • Required permissions for Inventory Master usage


Initial Setup

  1. Select "Product Management" business process.

Select Product Management

  1. Select the "Inventory Master" Usage.

Select Inventory Master

  1. Hover over the Style Inventory Master parent usage blue bar to display the icons. Then, click on the + sign to ADD a new record.

Add New Record

  1. From the left icons, select the Form view for easier view of all fields and entry.

Select Form View

Basic Information Entry

  1. Begin filling in the required fields.

Required Fields

  1. For ID fields:
    • You can type the field related ID number and the next field will auto populate with the name
    • Or skip to the related field where the name will be added

ID Fields

  1. If you don't know the ID, search and select the name to auto populate the ID number.

Search by Name

Field Information
  • Fields marked with * are mandatory
  • Fields with ... indicate a table selection is available
  • Prefill tables before adding new records if needed

Field Information

Product Configuration

  1. If the product can be broken up, select a VBOM Template.

VBOM Template

  1. To auto populate Attributes related to your product type, select an EAV Template.

EAV Template

Saving and Attributes

  1. Click the green checkmark to save the record. To cancel saving, click the red X.

Save Record

  1. Navigate to the Attributes section.

Attributes Section

  1. Click on the lightning bolt and select "Generate attributes" to populate the attributes.

Generate Attributes

  1. Edit attributes as needed.

Edit Attributes

Child Usage Setup

  1. Go to the Child Usages located at the bottom of the Parent Usage. Some information will auto-populate while other fields will need to be filled in.

Child Usages

Fill in all required Child Usage fields, which are organized in sections:

  • Basic Information
  • Inventory Settings
  • Supply Chain Details
  • Product Specifications
  • Quality Control
  • Distribution Settings

Complete all mandatory fields in each section before proceeding. The system will highlight any missing required information.

Best Practices

  1. Complete all mandatory fields (marked with *)
  2. Double-check ID relationships
  3. Verify attribute configurations
  4. Review child usage settings
  5. Ensure all templates are properly applied
Saving Your Work

Remember to save your work frequently, especially before:

  • Generating attributes
  • Switching between views
  • Making major changes to configurations