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Sales History Import fields



Orderid Provide a unique# for the document LineId No need to fill a value will be inserted via trigger MemberId Legacy Customer identifier Only required if Importing Customer records Orderdate Transaction Date Style Equivalent to Chandrive productcode Description of the item Quantity # of units sold (negatives are returns) Sellprice Net Final price ( equal or smaller than Unit price) Discount Discount amount applied to Unit price ExtAmount Quantity * sellprice PaymentType Leave blank Employee Employee.emplyid for the line item Taxctrlid Leave blank Invoice Provide a unique# for the document can be the same as Orderid Site ID The 2 digit Chaindrive salesbranch.branchid Sku The Chaindrive SKU for existing products. This can be filled after import to the temp table using the productcode / Style value for Non Matrix products Vendor Leave blank. This can be filled after import to the temp table using the productcode / Style value for Non Matrix products Unitprice The regular price in effect at the time of sale ( equal or smaller than Retailprice) SalesEmployee Sales operator Prodsize Leave blank Ordersource Leave blank Ordertype Leave Blank ShiptoId Leave blank if not relating sales to Customer PClass Hierarchy can be filled after import to the temp table using the productcode / Style value PsClass Same Tax 1 Leave Blank Retailprice The initial price for the item