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Cash $piff: Diamond Merchandise

1/17/25 – 2/28/25

If** you sell any item below the authorized sale price shown in the photo album, you DO** NOT** earn the cash spiff, including on Rolex watches & **Registry.


Cash $piff: Other Merchandise

1/17/25 – 2/28/25

If** you sell any item below the authorized sale price shown in the photo album, you DO NOT earn the cash spiff, including on Rolex watches & **Registry.

Image 1/17/25** **2/28/25

If** you sell any item below the authorized sale price shown in the photo album, you DO NOT earn the cash spiff, including on Rolex **watches & Registry.


Cash** ****$piff **Policy

Qualified merchandise & Registry must be sold AT OR ABOVE THE LOWEST AUTHORIZED** SALES ****PRICE **from the photo album or no spiff is earned. No Spiff is paid on merchandise that is part of any BOGO sale.

During special company approved promotions (No Tax or 10% Off) a spiff is authorized and paid on the net** sale **amount after deducting the discount.

When GIFT** CARDS **are used, the spiff is paid on the net sale amount after deducting the gift card amount.

If there is a **TRADE-IN **involved, the stated percent is paid on the net selling price after the trade-in, as long as the net sale is at least twice the amount of the trade-in. For Flat Rate Spiffs (like Signature Certificate Solitaires), you earn ½ the stated spiff amount if there’s a trade-in There are NO SPIFFS if there is a Non-Daniel’s item trade-in (outside trade)

Spiffs must be recorded** on the spiff log and approved by the store manager or authorized keyholder, and must be taken only during the same month it **is earned. Spiffs are not paid on Layaways until they are converted to sales

In the event an item is returned, any spiff earned on that item must be returned as well.