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May 24, 2023

This documentation originally provided by Multidev.

POS Customer Facing screen + Ad Images


There are three configurations available for the client facing displays. This is available in the configurator


  • Ads, Customer Info, Transaction screen
  • Will show Ad Images when POS user is not in a customer interaction (ex: product search, customer search, etc.) Display a simplified version of the shopping cart to the customer. Allow customer to interact with keyboard when user allows
  • Ads, Customer Information
  • Will show Ad Images when POS user is not in a customer interaction (ex: product search, customer search, etc.). Allow customer to interact with keyboard when user allows
  • Do not use second monitor
  • Does not display POS on the second monitor.

Also, in configurator there are the configurations for the duration of each of the Ad image before changing on the screen and the group assignment. The group assignment allows you to configure which group of images will show on which stations or branches. You can have different stores or different stations cycling through a different group of images.


Chaindrive SF

To configure which images will be shown as Ad Images, there is a usage called POS Marketing Images. You have ImageID, groupID, file path, Active ImageID – Unique Identifier of the record GroupID – AdImages can be assigned to a group. Groups can be assigned to store or even individual stations.  This is the identifier that goes into the configurator for the Ad Group management parameter File Path – Location for the POS to retrieve the image. Must be accessible by the POS. Active – Y or N. Ad Images can be disabled/enabled (prevents having to delete their record if they only need to be suspended for a certain period of time, and reused later).


Screen Examples

Example of user on the Product Search. Right side is the POS user’s screen, left side is the Customer facing display.


Example of keyboard being presented on the customer facing display to enter the email. Right side is the POS user’s screen, left side is the Customer facing display.


Example of when on the transaction screen. Right side is the POS user’s screen, left side is the Customer facing display.