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Non-Inventory SKUs

October 22, 2024

  • Inventory SKUs
    • SKUs that can be received, transferred, sold, returned and adjusted.
    • A chainwide average cost is maintained by adjustment (initial inventory loading), receiving/vendor returns and subsequent manual adjustment.
    • Because a cost is attributable to the SKU (retail purchase order cost or average cost), the retail price and lowest non-advertised prize (MSD pricing) can be set, monitored and maintained within Multidev.
    • We are converting nearly 90% of all inventory SKUs currently in Universe (IC.MRCH.CD = “Y”). This allows us to take returns (including trade up and trade downs) and identify the actual SKU instead of pushing everything to a 80000 or 90000.
    • To limit the amount of editing that needs to be done, only about 20,000 of the 64,000 SKUs being converted are “active” and will be augmented in Multidev for extended attributes (EAVs) and other values.
  • Non-Inventory SKUs
    • There are many different types/use cases for non-inventory SKUs
    • Attached to the meeting invite is an Excel spreadsheet that summarizes my current understanding of the non-inventory SKUs we currently have.
    • Special Order SKU
      • Orders placed by the store on a vendor’s website, by phone or by FAX; merchandise is delivered to the store and delivered to the customer at the store.
      • ***Connie/Edie/Armond - I need clarification about the large number of special order SKUs for Federick Goldman and Just Perfect to understand how the store is selecting the correct SKU and how this effects ordering and/or sales processing. For example, is there drama here similar to the gold band program where there is a lot of SKU switching going ******on (***from what was sold/entered into PO to what was delivered/provided by the vendor)?
    • Fee Skus
      • At go live these SKUs will be translated to adjustment codes to only be used within CSS, e.g., monthly finance charges and customer insurance premiums.
      • Some SKUs MAY have a POS equivalency to provide flexibility for customer service in the store., e.g., reverse a late charge.
    • Web Registry
      • There a large number (264) of SKUs setup for charging registry on the web.
      • Only 43 have activity.
      • ***Tuya/Sam - I need clarification on the SKUs that need to be created/maintained in ***Multidev
    • Tracking Coupons (930)
      • Unless other information is provided, we’ll maintain a system for creating and using tracking coupons.
    • Discount Coupons (613)
      • Unless other information is provided, we’ll maintain a system for creating and using discount coupons.
      • Discounting rules may replace or automate some discount coupon SKUs.
    • Alternative Handling in Multidev
      • These SKUs include trade-ins (90000), unidentified (80000) and stored value cards.
      • Especially early on after “Go Live”, we need to make sure that we can process sales that may have returns that could not be located in sales history.
      • Multidev*** has their own stored value/gift card. We have to address how balances on existing stored value cards (Fiserv) are going to be ***addressed).
    • Obsolete Special Order SKU/No Multidev EQ
      • The SKUs are NOT going to be converted into Multidev
      • We need to review and be aligned on what is not being converted and make sure that this isn’t a use case we are missing.