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Mutlidev Reporting Overview Session

June 20, 2023

  • The purpose of this session is to introduce various methods and processes for reporting in the Multidev system to resources in the company that will be responsible for implementation, support, and the extension of reporting from Multidev.
  • It is expected that most Smartforms and POS users will use embedded Multidev reporting tools and reports (“stock” and to be developed/augmented) and training/ongoing support for these users will need to be identified.
  • It is expected that some department managers, leads and senior managers will be trained in some aspects of data extra extraction and/or report development and deployment and training/ongoing support for these users will need to be identified.
  • It is expected that data extraction, manipulation and reporting will be developed or extended and resources and tools for this purpose will need to be identified.
  • The following outline is intended to support this discussion and is subject to clarification and correction.
  • Smartforms


  • Configuration


  • How do reports select “default” printer by size/dimension? (Advanced Settings?)
  • How are printers for Windows RDP users to be configured?
  • PDF printing
    • Multidev reports to PDF using Adobe and/or Windows embedded PDF driver do not appear to be readable by same.
    • Is the PDF output driver used by Multidev only compatible with CutePDF Writer and it is expected that CutePDF writer be installed on all Smartforms (and POS?) workstations?
  • Email
    • It does not appear that client level printing supports email.
    • What is the general path taken by Multidev customers to send client printing to email?
  • Report design and configuration.




  • Provide overview, coordination and training for:



  • Address similar “stock” reporting issues for Accounting and POS (more to be added to this write-up in advance of call).