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Manual Payments (Checks and Transactions)

Occasionally it may be required to record a check that was manually written from an account or a payment that was made to a vendor directly (such as an ACH to pay a tax bill).

Step 1: Entering a Manual Check or Transactions

  1. Navigate to Purchases ➔ Suppliers ➔ Print Checks. This can also be accessed via Accounting -> Bank -> Miscellanious Disbursements This will open the display screen for managing checks. Note This will load with the most recently created check and the bank account it was written against. Manual Check Screen

  2. Select the appropriate bank account the check is being written against if it is not display in the top selection. This will generally by the main AP account. To change this account select the magnifying glass and select the appropriate bank account

Step 2 Entering a Manual Check

  1. Select the option Manual Chk in the upper left corner among the options Check, Manual Chk, and Trans.. Press the + button in the title bar to create a new record.

  2. A prompt will appear to enter the check number. Enter the check number from the manual check. Manual Check Screen

Question: how disbursements are picked up in terms of overall invoices