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Batch Importing Invoices

This guide walks through the step-by-step process of batch posting multiple invoices into Chaindrive Accounting from a file.


Before starting the invoice posting process, ensure you have:

  • Access to the ChainDrive Accounting - AP Invoice Import application.
  • A copy of the invoice inthe appropriate format.

This application works best if done from the same computer each time as it will save the

Batch Importing

  1. Launch the ChainDrive Accounting - AP Invoice import application. It is a separate application from Accounting and should be in the Multidev Accounting folder on your desktop named Accounting-AP Invoice Import. You'll be presented with the following screen.

AP Batch Import

  1. Select the file that will be used for import this is done by double-clicking on the file input text in the upperleft. This file should being using one of the known import file formats.

  2. Select the know import file format by navigating to the profile tab and selecting the appropriate profile. In almost call circumstances this should be the one with the description ASG Invoices

ASG The format for ASG is fixed.

Other In order to import a generic spreadsheet with a list of invoices you must have a CSV to import that contains the following columns in a the following order, the header is skipped so the columns names need not be identical: Supplier ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Due Date, Total, G/L Code, Branch Label, Allocation Amount, Line Notes, and HDR Notes. The fields all must meet the import requirements. The Supplier ID, G/L Code, and Branch Label all must match their expected value from the Accounting module. The dates all must be specified as DD.MM.YYYY.

The profile Sample Expense should be used. An example file that is able to successfully import:


It is possible to create mutliline invoice imports by specifying different line ids